
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Term 4 Morning Routine

This term we have started to do swimming, each morning the teachers open the gate to the pool and let us all in. Our class  got into groups based on our skills before started doing lengths of the pool,after we do lengths we get free time. When our class gets out of the pool it's  freezing cold we quickly get changed and head back to class.

When we get back to class we do literacy, sometimes when its our turn on the new playground we go early to break. Some people in our class sometimes race each other to the new swings, I have only been on the swings once since they got here.

After morning tea we normally do maths, at the moment in maths we are learning about polygons and fractions, when all our work is done we play math games on our Chromebooks, then it is lunch break.

Swimming Pool — Explore Waimate District

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Our new playground

 Last week we got a new payground its called Hikihiki, its so fun,here are some photos of our class Tangaroa playing on the new playground

Monday, November 2, 2020


 On the 22nd of September the tuakana of Rāwhiti School went on a ski trip. We went to Porters Pass Ski Field.

why it is good to have manners in our class room.

In tangaroa it is good to have manners because 

when we grow up we will become adults and have our 

own lives so while we are still children we have to 

learn manners,when someone says please and

 thank you they are being respectful,when i keep 

my hands to myself and don't punch,trip or hurt 

anyone i am being kind to everyone around me,when 

i compliment somebody i help them feel good,when

 i ask people questions the feel liked and respected,badlanguage 

often sounds aggressive and creates aggro,when you give

 kindness to someone they will give kindness back to you.

Be honest it makes people trust you and like you,

Only say kind things,

 Try and see the funny side of things when they go wrong 

It helps everyone realise that often people do things without thinking,give people compliments,

Tell people they are doing a good job,


Be kind to everyone you see,

Don't use bad language,

Dont talk when somebody else is talking,

Don't be rude,

 When you find something don't keep it,

 Your manners change you into a better person.

Don't make people wait for you that's rude,

Don't say rude things to people

Be nice to people even if you don't like them or 

they are mean to you,

Accept your mistakes,

Say sorry when you do something incorrectly,

Do not shove kick or anything else that will hurt people